By placing an order you are agreeing to Saint & Company’s wholesale terms.

The minimum for an opening order is $100
The minimum for re-orders is $100

Most wholesale orders ship in 3-5 business days, but may take longer depending on inventory availability. Saint & Company will notify you of backordered products when your order is submitted. Orders ship via USPS domestically or FedEx internationally, unless otherwise noted. Once shipped, domestic deliveries will arrive within 2–5 business days and international deliveries will arrive with 1-2 weeks. Cost of shipping will be added to final invoice. Saint & Company is not responsible for carrier delay, import tax and/or lost or stolen packages. Please ensure your shipping address is accurate and that your mail drop-off location is secure.

Adjustments and cancellations must be made within 24 hours of order placement. Customized merchandise orders may not be canceled. Damaged, defective, missing, and/or shipment errors must be reported within 10 days of shipment received. Original shipping packages/labels and photographs of discrepancies required. Refunds or replacements will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Excellent customer service is our top priority!

All products come packaged and ready for retail sale. Boxed greeting card sets may not be separated. All Saint & Company products must be displayed and sold as is and in original packaging. Standard packaging does not include UPC bar codes.


We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If you wish to return an item, we offer store credit for the full purchase amount. To be eligible for a return, the item must be unused and in its original condition, with tags attached and no fingerprints on the packaging, within 30 days of purchase. Please note that personalized or custom-made items are non-returnable.

All returns can be mailed via USPS to the following address:
Saint & Company
PO Box 242
Appleton, WI 54915

Once your return is received and inspected, we will issue you a store credit which can be used towards future purchases. All return shipping expenses must be covered by the customer/retailer; our team does not cover shipping expenses for returns or exchanges.

Online stores must credit Saint & Company in the product descriptions. Partnering with third party resellers is not permitted.

All artwork was created by and belongs to Saint & Company. Licensing is available. Please contact Saint & Company for details.